Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The up-side to working out

I really do not have time to post, or even to work out this week. But I am so stressed I needed to do something for me. So I got up this morning and went to the Y. I feel so much better about myself when I am able to get in a good workout! But this morning, I also had a little reward waiting for me at the Y... a celebrity sighting! I LOVE seeing celebrities here in Nashville! Working out right next to me today was Vince Gill! I spotted Vince with his personal trainer as they walked by my treadmill. When I saw them, I was not sure if it was him. But being the successful CSI person I am, I took out my headphones to listen to him talk and see if I could figure this out. And sure enough, it was him! He has a country, but soft sweet voice and I knew it was him. He was on the machine to my left so it was very exciting. I worked out a little bit longer today because of my celebrity sighting. Now I am off the library where I am almost positive there will be no celebrity sightings.

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